Open Sources and Legal Notices
Open Sources used by Incredibuild Cloud
Source |
VueJS |
Hashicorp Vault |
Keycloak |
Node Modules |
@azure/arm-compute |
@azure/arm-network |
@azure/arm-resources |
@azure/identity |
@azure/ms-rest-nodeauth |
@compodoc/compodoc |
@kubernetes/client-node |
@sendgrid/mail |
@types/node |
applicationinsights |
async-retry |
await-lock |
aws-sdk |
axios |
azure-arm-authorization |
azure-arm-compute |
azure-arm-consumption |
azure-arm-keyvault |
azure-arm-marketplaceordering |
azure-arm-network |
azure-arm-resource |
azure-graph |
azure-jwt-verify |
azure-keyvault |
azure-storage |
bcrypt |
body-parser |
bull |
cls-hooked |
cookie-parser |
cors |
csurf |
dotenv |
eslint-config-strongloop |
express-request-id |
express-sanitizer |
express-validator |
express |
google-auth-library |
googleapis |
helmet-csp |
helmet |
ioredis-mock |
ioredis |
jest-html-reporter |
jest |
lodash |
moment |
ms-rest |
multer |
node-cache |
node-schedule |
node-vault |
pg-hstore |
pg |
pm2 |
sequelize-cli |
sequelize-mock |
sequelize |
shortid |
ssl-validator |
typescript |
uuid |
Microsoft Azure Terms
When using Incredibuild with Microsoft Azure, Microsoft can identify the installation of Incredibuild software with the deployed Azure resources. Microsoft can correlate these resources used to support the software. Microsoft collects this information to provide the best experiences with their products and to operate their business. The data is collected and governed by Microsoft's privacy policies, located at To prevent Microsoft from accessing this data, contact