Smart Compatibility Layer

Note: This feature is in limited availability and is only enabled upon request. For details, contact your Customer Success Manager.

The Smart Compatibility Layer (SCL) allows you to create Cloud Helpers on Linux Machines that act as if they were created on Windows machines. They can assist in builds initiated from Windows machines seamlessly.

The primary purpose and benefit is to reduce your cloud cost because Linux machines can be significantly less expensive than Windows machines.

To enable the Smart Compatibility Layer, go to the Coordinator ManagerSettings> Cloud and Stop and Delete all cloud machines. Then go to the Cloud SettingsResource Management tab and enable Use Smart Compatibility Layer.

After enabling SCL, the changes take affect immediately with no other requirements or configurations on your part.

Supported Machine Types

  • SCL only supports the following machine sizes:


    • m5a.4xlarge

    • c5.4xlarge

    • c6a.4xlarge

    • m5.2xlarge

    • c6a.2xlarge

    • m5.4xlarge

    • r6i.2xlarge

    • r6i.4xlarge

    • m5a.2xlarge

    • c5.2xlarge

  • Azure:

    • Standard_D16ads_v5

    • Standard_D8ads_v5

    • Standard_D16as_v4

    • Standard_D8as_v4

  • GCP:

    • c3d-standard-8

    • c3d-standard-16

    • c2-standard-16

    • n2-standard-8

    • n2-standard-16

    • c2-standard-8


  • SCL cannot work with Build Cache in Incredibuild for Windows 10.9.0 and earlier. Enabling SCL automatically disables Build Cache in those versions.

  • SCL only supports environments using the following tools: MSbuild, Unreal Engine, Ninja, Cl.exe, Clange.exe, and Cl-filter.exe. Other tools are not supported and will not receive Cloud Helpers when this is enabled.