Checking the Status and Version No. of Incredibuild

You can check the status or version number of any Incredibuild Linux components using the following commands.

How to Check the Status of Incredibuild Linux Services

In the terminal of the installed component, type:

/opt/<Path_to_Installation_Folder>/init.d/incredibuild status


ib_httpd (pid xxxxx) is running... (pid xxxxx) is running...
ib_watchdog (pid xxxxx) is running...
ib_coordinator (pid xxxxx) is running...
ib_server (pid xxxxx) is running...
ib_helper (pid xxxxx) is running... (pid xxxxx) is running...

How to Check the Version No. of Incredibuild Linux

In the terminal of the installed component, type ib_console -v.

The output will be ib_console version [no.].