Coordinator Monitor

The Coordinator Monitor is where you can see what is going on across your entire Incredibuild infrastructure

On the machine running the Coordinator, it is possible to view the Coordinator Monitor tab which offers information on the current state of your Incredibuild infrastructure, its Agents, and how the available cores are distributed between all the current builds.

   To view the Coordinator:

  • In the Incredibuild Management Console, click the Coordinator Monitor tab.

Column name Description

Agent Name

The name of the machine that the Agent is running on, as well as a textual description of its status.

Agent IP

The IP of the machine that the Agent is running on.

Licensed/Agent's Cores

The number of licensed cores compared to the actual number of physical cores detected on the Agent's machine.

Initiator / Helper Active Cores

The number of cores that can be used by an Agent to run a build. This is determined by the minimum between the licensed number of cores and the number of physical cores on the Agent's machine. There are separate values for when the Agents acts as an Initiator or as a Helper.


The amount of memory in the Agent machine.

Operating System

The machine's operating system.

CPU Frequency

The frequency of the CPU on the Agent machine.

CPU Load

The current CPU usage on the Agent machine.

Model Name

The CPU model.


The Incredibuild version running on this Agent. Note that this is the version that was last reported by the Agent. If the Agent is no longer connected to this Coordinator, then this value might be outdated.

Assigned to Initiator   

The IP address of the machine that the Agent is currently working for.

Last Seen

The time of the last communication from the Agent machine.