Build Progress Graphical View

You can view the build output in graphical view by clicking the Graphical View tab in the Build Progress window.

The Graphical View is divided into two sections:

  • System Graphs - top pane
  • Build Progress Graph - bottom pane

The Build Progress - Graphical View also has a vertical Build Status Bar along the right edge of the screen.

System Graphs

The System Graphs show overall information such as used memory and CPU load over time. Hovering over the System Graph shows the system information at any point of time during the build:

Build Progress Graph

The Build Progress Graph illustrates how tasks are distributed between the Agent machines (CPUs) over time. The time axis displayed below the graph is the time that has elapsed from the beginning of the build. Clicking the clock icon on left side of the time axis will toggle between relative time and absolute time.

The Build Progress Graph provides developers with the ability to have an intuitive graphical representation of their execution process, quickly locate errors and warnings, see the execution duration of each task, find performance bottleneck and retrieve detailed information on every task that is executed as part of the build process.

Hovering on a task block displays the process ID, name, task ID, and exit code of the process.

Clicking on a task block displays more detailed information such as the process name, command arguments, task ID, and any warnings or errors.

Block colors

Each colored block represents a single task in the build. The various colors represent the various task statuses.

  •  In-progress

  •  Successful task that can only be executed locally on the initiating machine

  •  Successful task that can be distributed to remote machines

  •  Warning - task with stderr that exited with exit code 0

  •  Failure - task which exited with non 0 exit code

  • Aborted task

Build Status Bar

The vertical status bar along the right edge of the screen is colored according to the status of the build. The colors indicate the following:

  • Green - Build completed successfully, without warnings.

  • Yellow - Build completed successfully, with warnings.

  • Red - Build failed or was aborted.

Hovering over the Build Status Bar displays a detailed description of the build status.