Coordinator Settings

The Coordinator Settings includes the following tabs:

General Settings 

The General settings of the Coordinator apply to all installed Agent Helpers in your Incredibuild Environment. These settings enable you to determine how many cores will participate in a build, and under which conditions a Helper Agent can participate in a build execution.

Parameter Description Default Value
Max Cores Per Build (Number) The maximum number of cores in Incredibuild Environment that can be allocated to a single build.


The -1 value means there is no maximum limit to the number of cores that can be allocated to a build.

Max CPU Load (Percentage)

The maximum percentage of the CPU load that allows a Helper Agent to be allocated to a task.

The Coordinator will not allocate a Helper Agent whose CPU load exceeds the defined value. The Helper Agent will not be allocated to tasks for at least the duration defined in the Machine Reload Timeout.


When the CPU load of a Helper Agent exceeds 80%, it will not be allocated by the Coordinator to participate in tasks for at least 60 seconds (the default value of the Machine Reload Timeout).
Min Free Memory (MB)

The minimum free memory that allows a Helper Agent to be allocated to a task.

The Coordinator will not allocate a Helper Agent whose free memory is below the defined value.


When the free memory of a Helper Agent is below 512MB, it will not be allocated by the Coordinator to participate in tasks.

Min Free Disk Space (MB)

The minimum free disk space that allows a Helper Agent to be allocated to a task.

The Coordinator will not allocate a Helper Agent whose free disk space is below the defined value.


When the free disk space of a Helper Agent is below 1024MB, it will not be allocated by the Coordinator to participate in tasks.

Machine Reload Timeout (Sec)

The amount of time a Helper Agent will not be allocated to a task, if its Max CPU Load exceeds the defined value.  

The Coordinator will not allocate a Helper Agent, whose CPU load exceeds the Max CPU Load value for at least the time defined in the Machine Reload Timeout.  

60 seconds

When the CPU load of a Helper Agent exceeds the Max CPU Load value, it will not be allocated by the Coordinator to participate in tasks for at least 60 seconds. 

Auto-subscribe new Agents

When new Helper Agents are installed, this setting automatically subscribes them to your Coordinator. Modifying the setting does not affect Agents that are already installed.


Network Settings 

These settings let you modify the ports used by Incredibuild, and to define whether IPv6 or IPv4 protocols are used for communication.

Modifying the ports sometimes requires changes to each Agent's settings as well. For details, see Modifying Ports.

License Settings 

This tab provides you with information on your purchased and available licenses: