Supported Platforms and Tools
Supported Machine Types
Incredibuild for Linux must be run on 64 bit machines or containers
Certified Linux Distributions
Incredibuild Linux may work with may different Linux distributions, however we have only thoroughly tested this version on the following distributions:
Ubuntu - 16.04 up to 22.04
RHEL - 7.x , 8.x
Centos - 7.x
Amazon Linux 2
Supported Build and Test Tools
You can use any of the following tools to run builds that will be distributed in your Incredibuild environment. The Initiator Agent can distribute workloads run from a tool that does not exist on the Helper Agents.
Make and its flavors, such as CMake and qmake
BJam and b2
Android NDK
Android OS Builds (AOSP): 5-11
Yocto (up to 4.0)
Supported Compilers
Incredibuild Linux supports most compilers including the following:
clang, clang++, LLVM and their different flavors, such as ARM-GCC and ARM-Compiler
Intel compiler (Icc)
Java compiler