Change Settings using CLI (Command Line)
Some settings can be modified using the command line or scripts.
These commands require root user permissions.

/opt/incredibuild/management/ help
/opt/incredibuild/management/ help

Get Status
Run this on any agent to view if an agent is enabled or disabled to participate as a helper in builds (returns true if enabled, false if disabled).
/opt/incredibuild/management/ enable-as-helper
Set Status
Run these on any agent to modify enable or disable it's ability to participate as a helper in builds.
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ enable-as-helper
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ disable-as-helper

Get Coordinator
To view the Coordinator that a helper is associated with, run this on any agent machine:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ coordinator
Set Coordinator
To change the Coordinator that a helper is associated with, run this on any agent machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ coordinator <hostname/IP of new Coordinator>
After this is done, you also need unsubscribe the licenses on the original Coordinator and resubscribe them on the new Coordinator.
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ coordinator

Get Maximum Number of Local Helpers
To view the maximum number of available local cores required to start a new build, run this command on any agent machine:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ max-helper-cores
Set Maximum Number of Local Helpers
To change the maximum number of cores that an Agent can use when participating in builds, run this command on any agent machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ max-helper-cores <number>
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ max-helper-cores 64

Get Minimum Number of Local Helpers
To view the minimum number of available local cores required to start a new build, run this command on any agent machine:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ min-local-cores
Set Minimum Number of Local Helpers
To change the minimum number of available local cores required to start a new build, run this command on any agent machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ min-local-cores <number>
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ min-local-cores 8

Get the Proxy Server for HTTP Communication
Get the proxy server that will be used for outgoing external HTTP communication from Incredibuild.
/opt/incredibuild/management/ http_proxy
Set the Proxy Server for HTTP Communication
Set the proxy server that will be used for outgoing external HTTP communication from Incredibuild. To remove the proxy server, use this command with an empty value:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ http_proxy <URL or empty value>
Get the Proxy Server for HTTPS Communication
Get the proxy server that will be used for outgoing external HTTPS communication from Incredibuild.
/opt/incredibuild/management/ https_proxy
Set the Proxy Server for HTTPS Communication
Set the proxy server that will be used for outgoing external HTTPS communication from Incredibuild. To remove the proxy server, use this command with an empty value:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ https_proxy <URL or empty value>
Get No Proxy Exceptions
To get the list of IP addresses, hostnames, and domains that bypass your proxy, use the following command:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ no_proxy
Set No Proxy Exceptions
To set the list of IP addresses, hostnames, and domains that bypass your proxy, use the following command:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ no_proxy <comma separated list>
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ no_proxy,

Get Maximum Initiator Cores
To view the maximum number of cores that can be used by the agent when acting as the Initiator of a build, run this on any agent:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ max-initiator-cores
Set Maximum Initiator Cores
To set the maximum number of cores that can be used by the agent when acting as the Initiator of a build, run this on any agent:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ max-initiator-cores <number of max initiator cores>
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ max-initiator-cores 16

Get Build Group
To view what Build Group an agent is in, run this on the agent:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ build-group
Set Build Group
Run this on your Primary Coordinator to assign an agent to a build group. You can use add the --include-offline flag (optional) at the end to implement the assignment even if the agent is offline.
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ <agent ip or host name> <group name> --include-offline (optional param)
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ group1 --include-offline (optional param)

These commands control the Build Cache settings on Initiator machines.
Get Local Build Cache Information
Return information about the location and size of your local build cache:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ <user|shared|group='groupname'> info
Set Local Build Cache Size
Set the local build cache size. By default, the size is 100GB:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ <user|shared|group='groupname'> set_size <size in GB>
Get Build Cache Service
You can retrieve the default Build Cache Service used by an Initiator. This service is used for shared Build Cache.
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ build-cache-URL
Set Build Cache Service
You can set the default Build Cache Service used by an Initiator. This service is used for shared Build Cache.
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ build-cache-URL http://<agent IP or hostname>:<port>
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ build-cache-URL http://linux_lab_machine2:8080
Clear Build Cache
Clear the local build cache:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ <user|shared|group='groupname'> clear

These commands control the Build Cache settings on Build Cache Service machines.
Get Build Cache Size
To view the Build Cache size (in GB) on the Build Cache Service machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ get-size-limit
Set Build Cache Size
To set the Build Cache size (in GB) on the Build Cache Service machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ set-size-limit <size>
For example:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ set-size-limit 150
Clear Build Cache
To clear the Build Cache on the Build Cache Service machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ clear
View Build Cache Location
To view the path where the Build Cache is stored on the Build Cache Service machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ get-path
Get Build Cache Used Size
To view the currently used size of the Build Cache on the Build Cache Service machine:
sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/ get-used-size

These commands allow you to define a remote location to store build logs.
Get Log Location
To view what remote location is defined for storing build logs from this agent:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ log-mount-directory
Set Log Location
To set the remote location for storing build logs from this agent. The location should already be mounted to a folder on the agent:
/opt/incredibuild/management/ log-mount-directory <path to mounted remote location>