User Management

You need to log in every time you access the Coordinator Manager. A default user is created during installation with the username ibadmin and the password ChangePass. We recommend changing this as soon as you log in for the first time.

You can create and edit additional users. Each user is assigned a role the determines their level of permissions in the Coordinator Manager.

When a user is inactive in the user interface for more than 45 minutes, they need to log in again.

User Roles

  • Grid Admin: Has full permissions to view and edit all items in the Coordinator Manager. The first user created is automatically assigned the role of Grid Admin.

  • Group Manager: Has permissions to edit the Agents in the Agent List, as well as view (but not edit) the Settings and License areas.

  • Viewer: Has permissions to view the Agent List and License Details, but cannot edit anything in the Coordinator Manager.

Create a New User

  1. In the User Management area, click Add User.

  2. Fill in the Role and Password, and any optional details that will help you manage your users and click Add.

Edit an Existing User

Grid Admin users can edit the details of any user by clicking the edit icon next to a single user and modifying the details.

Grid Admin users can also change a user's role directly in the User grid by using the Role dropdown.

Additionally, all users can view and edit their own user details and password. For details, see below.

View and Edit your User Details and Password

All users who are logged into the Coordinator Monitor can view and edit their user details and password in My ProfileProfile Settings.

Forgot Username or Password

Non-Admin User

If a user who is not an admin forgot their username or password, the following procedure can be used by their admin to set a new password:

  1. Go to the Coordinator Manager > User Management area.

  2. Select a user and click Change Password.

Admin User

If your Grid Admin user is locked out, or you forgot your password, use the following command. The -p flag will update the password to the input value. The -t Active flag will activate your user if it is locked. This must be done on the Coordinator machine in the command line:

cd /opt/incredibuild_management/ib_manager/

sudo ./manager updateUser -u <original username> -p <password> -t Active

If you forgot your Grid Admin username, you need to create a new Grid Admin user. Run the following command on the Coordinator machine in the command line:

cd /opt/incredibuild_management/ib_manager/

sudo ./manager createUser -u <new user name> -p <new password>

Locking and Unlocking Users

If a user attempts to log in a number of times with the incorrect credentials, they will be locked out and see a screen like this:

Any admin user can unlock another user by clicking Unlock in the user details and Save.