Build History

Build History lets you view details about current and previous builds including a playback option with detailed information about execution and distribution of tasks, errors, utilization of resources, and more. Build History can be also used to troubleshoot issues and to optimize your build scripts. Double-clicking on one of the build entries opens the Build Monitor tab which graphically represents the build’s execution.

Column Description Uses
Action→ Open Opens the Build Monitor tab, displaying the progress of a currently running build and enables playback of a previously finished build.
Action→ History

Provide users with the ability to delete a build from the Build History or mark a specific build not to be deleted by the auto-deletion mechanism.

Action → Export Logs

Saves the information on the specific build from the general build history database to a db file

Build Name

Name of the build.

This name is auto-generated.

Icon by the build name represents the build's status: Pending, Running.., Completed, Aborted, Error or Warning

Start Time

The time in which the build has started

End Time

The time in which the build has ended


The overall time for the completion of the build

Build Command

The command that was used by ib_console to run this build

Working Dir

The working directory from which the build was executed

Build Caption

Caption of the build, as it was defined by the -c option of ib_console

Auto Delete

Should the current record in the build history be deleted by the auto-deletion mechanism.

The Action field allows users to toggle auto-delete on\ off for this build.