Release Notes
Click here to download the Incredibuild for Windows installer.

The Build Monitor's System Graphs now contain more information about Build Cache network usage and disk I/O.
When using SSL, wildcard expressions can now be used in the Coordinator certificate.

Added the ability to compress the Build Cache artifacts. This is currently a limited availability feature, for details contact your Customer Success Manager.

You can now view recent builds and their details in the new Build list.
In the new Dashboards you can gain valuable visual insights into your builds such as average duration, total builds, and more.
Enterprise customers can now manage Incredibuild users using external user management tools such as Active Directory.
Incredibuild Cloud users can now reduce costs by using Linux machines to assist Windows builds. For details, see the Incredibuild Cloud Documentation.
Continue improvements to Build Cache including:
The ability to automatically handle most auto-generated code
More informative hit/miss reports in the Build Monitor
A new Build Cache summary in the Build Monitor's Summary tab
The ability to view Build Cache warnings in the Build Monitor's Messages tab
Due to these Build Cache improvements, cached content created by Incredibuild 10.6 or earlier is incompatible with Incredibuild 10.7. When upgrading, we automatically clear all content from incompatible versions.

Bug fixes and stability improvements, including resolving a regression that was causing the Build Monitor to crash in some environments.

Updated the ability to create sets of Incredibuild settings in configuration files and use them to easily switch settings for different builds.
Added the ability to prevent users from changing the default distribution profile.
Incredibuild's integrated Build Monitor is now available in Visual Studio 2022.
Build Cache now supports additional gaming SDKs.
Improved support for globalization with added languages, fields, and changes to the required settings. The UTF-8 flag for windows is no longer required to support globalization.

Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Added the ability to create sets of Incredibuild settings in configuration files and use them to easily switch settings for different builds.
Added an API to assign and modify licenses to Agents.
Added an API to return detailed data about your builds.
Added details about reasons for cache hits/misses to the build output for Build Cache.
The Build Cache Client Agent Settings have moved to a new location in the Agent Settings.
Predictive execution is now supported when using Build Cache.
Added additional advanced configuration capabilities to help you manage your grid.
Improved the way Incredibuild works with cmake projects within Visual Studio using profile.xml files.
Improved the installation wizard to include a second password verification field.
The Agent List search bar now also searches by logged on users.
All dates displayed in Incredibuild now take the date format (whether the day or the month is presented first) from the host computer automatically.
Added the ability to modify the default license assigned to Initiator and Helper agents.
Added additional columns for Cloud Agents to help you manage the Agent List.
API Keys are now more secured with the ability to define which types of users can use each API key.
Added the ability to modify the height of rows in the Agent List.

Major improvements to Build Cache:
The license usage is now visible in the Agent List.
You can now use a combination of both local and remote cache, which improves Build Cache hit rates, reduces load on shared Build Cache servers, and enables new use cases. The best practices for build cache configuration now reflect this new feature.
The build command flag to override build cache endpoints has been changed.
There is a new build command flag (/buildcachelocal) to turn on/off local cache.
You can now create, edit, and delete Build Groups using our Build Group API.
You can edit and delete Build Groups in the Agent List.
Added details about your cloud package and Build Cache to the License Usage area of the Agent List.
You can now modify multiple agents by selecting them and right-clicking in addition to using the Actions menu.
Improvements to Predictive Execution support for Visual Studio 2022 64-bit.
Improvements to Build Monitor graphs when viewing multiple metrics.
You can now view your Coordinator ID in the Coordinator Manager's Help area.
Added the ability to sort data in all columns of the Agent List.
Added the ability to use a search bar in the Agent List's column picker.
You can now view cloud helpers from your pool in the Agent List even when they are paused.
User accessing the Coordinator Manager from an unsupported browser will now see a warning message in the user interface.

You can now create and manage multiple users with three different permission levels. Users can be created in the user interface or via API.
Build Cache Improvements:
Added support for clang-cl (beta feature)
More items are included in the cache (linker files).
More than one build can now write to the same cache at the same time.
Improved the verification process to be more flexible when sharing artifacts across initiators.
You can now create more than one API Key.
Many small improvements to the Agent list to increase usability such as expanding the Agent Name column into multiple columns.
Added the ability to prevent cloud helpers from helping on a specific build by using the /UseCloudHelpers=false flag, even when the cloud agents are enabled.

This release is available to select customers and is only available by contacting
Enterprise customers can use our integration with Prometheus to collect metrics and help create powerful visualizations.
Enterprise customers can now manage build groups using the Build Group API. This includes our new API Keys for added security.
You can now use a shared cache across multiple agents when implementing Build cache
There are many improvements to the Agent List such as column management, pagination, and a new place to see which version of Incredibuild you have installed.
You can now add free text descriptions to your Agents in the Agent List for easy identification.
You can now define whether Agents can enable or disable themselves as helpers by default.

Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Improvements to Build Cache results and efficiency.
A number bug fixes and improvements.

Improved Build Cache efficiency and stability.
Resolved issue with Build Group assignments when using the silent installer.
General bug fixes and stability improvements.

Added support for the windows update KB5017380

Added the ability to roll back Agents from Incredibuild 10.1 to Incredibuild 9.
Fixed an issue in which cmake projects could not run on some Incredibuild 10.1 environments.

Added support for Visual Studio 2022.3.
Initiator Agents from any build group can now use Cloud Helpers when necessary.
Predictive execution now supports VS 2022 64 bit.
Major Improvements to certificate management when using SSL to secure communication.
Added support for displaying and using foreign characters.
You can now assign Agents to a Build Group during installation when using the Silent Installer.
Added the ability to refresh your license at any time.
General user interface improvements such as notifications about available upgrades, and when your license is about to expire.

All New License Model. We have recreated the license model from scratch including:
A new easy-to-use user interface
Centralized management with license keys instead of license files
Floating licenses that let you get the most from your grid capacity
All New Coordinator User Interface. We gave the Coordinator user interface a major makeover including:
New web-based, password-protected Coordinator Manager that you can access from any computer in your network
Managing agents, licenses, and all of your Incredibuild settings has never been easier in our new web-based Coordinator Manager.
Status bar
Advanced filtering and searching
Easier bulk actions and multi-select
Some Coordinator features from previous versions are not yet available. For details, see limitations and regressions.
Use Build Cache to Significantly Improve Performance.(Limited Availability) Save time and resources by creating a cache of every build that you run in Incredibuild and use them to speed up future builds.
Enterprise Version. There are lots of great features for Enterprise customers, but the Dashboard and Build Group API are not yet available in this version. For more details, contact your Customer Success Manager.
To support these features, there are some updates to hardware and software system requirements.
Includes all bug fixes and improvements in all versions up to 9.6.6.
Limitation: Visual Studio 2022.3 is not yet supported.