Incredibuild Cloud Release Notes

January 17, 2024

December 5, 2023

November 12, 2023

September 11, 2023

  • Added the ability to manage cloud VMs and network in different Resource Groups.

July 25, 2023

  • You can now purchase Incredibuild cloud packages directly from Azure Marketplace.

  • Added the ability to use a Proxy server to route traffic from your Cloud Machines to Incredibuild Cloud for Linux environments.

July 16, 2023

  • You can now use the Cloud CLI tool to scale to the cloud, pause, delete, modify settings, and more using the command line.

  • Added support for working with Shared VPCs in GCP.

  • Starting from Incredibuild for Windows 10.4, you can now use Build Cache with Incredibuild Cloud. For details about how this work with your Incredibuild Cloud package, see Cloud License Package.

March 13, 2023

  • You can configure an AWS Private Link to access Incredibuild's cloud service without allowing your cloud resources to access the internet. This feature is currently available to select Incredibuild for Linux customers upon request to

December 25, 2022

  • Added a verification before requesting VMs to ensure that your AWS account settings allow that machine type. This requires adding permissions in your AWS policy, so if you have already onboarding and would like this feature, please speak to your Customer Success Manager.

November 28, 2022

  • If your organization requires it, you can now specify a custom VM role that will be attached to your cloud VMs.

October 19, 2022

  • You can now select your own Security Group to gain better control of how Incredibuild interacts with your cloud provider.

September 18, 2022

September 11, 2022

  • View your hourly usage and license details in our new Report tab.

  • You can now secure communications between your Incredibuild 10.1 Coordinator and your Cloud Helpers using SSL.

  • Starting with Incredibuild 10.1, Initiator Agents from any build group can now use Cloud Helpers when necessary.

June 21, 2022

  • You can now purchase and install Incredibuild Cloud directly from AWS Marketplace.

June 6, 2022

  • Major improvements to the user interface, especially the Settings area.

January 2022

  • Incredibuild Cloud now integrates with GCP in addition to AWS and Azure.

  • AWS now supports up to 10 types of VMs to use as fallbacks to make it nearly impossible to exhaust the supply of amazon machines.

  • We streamlined the required permissions for AWS and Azure to minimize our access to your accounts in order to address security concerns.

  • Improvements to the user management and login process to improve security.

Incredibuild Cloud 1.9

  • You can use the scheduler to automatically wake up your cloud machines a few minutes before they are needed, or schedule downtime to allow your machines to update their operating system.

  • Added support for cloud machines from the AWS Hong Kong region.

  • Major improvement to Spot resource utilization: Previously, you paid for a full hour every time a spot machine was requested as this is the minimum AWS billing period. Now, we maintain spot machines for up to one hour, allowing you to utilize the same spot resource at no extra cost if you perform multiple builds in one hour. The machines are automatically released after 55 minutes if they are not needed.

Incredibuild Cloud 1.8

  • Fallback for VM Types
    You can now specify up to two fallback VM types that will be used in case your first choice is not available in your region.

  • Support for Dav4 and Dasv4-series VMs in Azure
    Due to popular demand, we’re introducing support to the AMD EPYC-based Dav4 and Dasv4-series machines for Azure customers.

  • Support for G-type SSD Storage
    If you are running disk-intensive builds, you can now use G-type SSD storage for your AWS instances.

  • Support for multiple subnets in private networks

    If you are using a private network and have a large number of subnets, you can now select multiple subnets to support your environment.

Incredibuild Cloud 1.4

  • Integration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Incredibuild Cloud can now launch and manage VMs on AWS platform for task acceleration.

  • Flexible Integration Modes with AWS - when choosing AWS as a cloud provider for Incredibuild Cloud solution, it is possible to activate Incredibuild Cloud–AWS integration with or without Administrator Access permissions for managing resources on AWS platform.

  • Using Virtual Private Network for Incredibuild Cloud Environment – an existing private network on the cloud can now be used for launching and running Helper VMs, thus adding another layer of security for the transferred data.

  • Launching Incredibuild Cloud from the Web - this new launching route enables to start the activation of Incredibuild Cloud from a different location than the Coordinator machine. It is now possible to launch Incredibuild Cloud even if Incredibuild Coordinator is still not installed or used.  

  • Starting Pool VMs On-Demand in Preparation for a Build Execution – using an API call, it is now possible to start Helper VMs that are in a Stopped state in the pool, before a build is being executed. This option can improve the response time of existing Helper VMs, thus optimizing the acceleration results.

  • Improved Layout of Incredibuild Cloud Settings Page – the Settings page was re-structured for ease of use.

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Incredibuild Cloud 1.3

  • Additional onboarding option with lower Azure permissions – it is now possible to activate Incredibuild Cloud solution without providing Global Administrator permissions to Incredibuild for managing resources on the cloud.

  • Tag creation –new ability to create custom tags, which will be automatically assigned to the cloud resources that are created by Incredibuild Cloud:

  • Customization of the name of the default resource group – all the resources that are created by Incredibuild Cloud for build acceleration, belong to one resource group. Now it is possible to change the default name of this resource group before activating the solution:

  • Easier access to the Solution Settings – fixed an issue in the workflow of editing the Solution Settings, where clicking on the Edit button led to the Welcome page of the solution. Now, the Edit button leads directly to the Cloud Login page, where the required credentials for editing the Settings are selected, thus enabling the start of the editing action. 

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements  

Incredibuild Cloud 1.2

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements  

Incredibuild Cloud 1.1

  • VM Type and Disk Type customization –new ability to choose the type of VMs that will be launched on the cloud for task acceleration. You can now choose the type of CPU and Disk of your VMs, through easily accessible drop-down lists that also display the cost for each option:

  • New Activity Report –new built-in report, which enables you to view your solution activity on the cloud and keep track of your solution costs:

  • Reduction in the size of VM images, which leads to a storage space saving.

  • Faster VM creation speed

  • Email notification enhancements

  • Additional data validations

  • Bug fixes

Incredibuild Cloud 1.0

The first official version of Incredibuild Cloud has been launched! As of the 25th of September 2019, Incredibuild Cloud solution is generally available.  

Incredibuild Cloud is now ready to deliver on its promise, and to offer the ability to instantly scale up to hundreds of cores for accelerating development tasks, by combining Incredibuild virtualization technology within cloud services.