Configuring Incredibuild Visual Studio Commands

Note: This feature is available only for Visual Studio 2017 and later.

You can configure Visual Studio to automatically activate Incredibuild commands via the standard Visual Studio commands. This means that if you click a command in Visual Studio, the equivalent Incredibuild command is activated. For example, if you click Build Solution in the Visual Studio Build menu, the solution is built using Incredibuild.

For SLN files/projects this can be configured for a specific solution or for all solutions.

  1. Access the settings:

    • In Visual Studio, go to ToolsOptions.

    • In Visual Studio 2017, select IncrediBuild > Extension Settings.

    • In Visual Studio 2019 and 2022, select Extensions > Incredibuild > Extension Settings.

  2. Select Incredibuild Extension > Commands.

    For SLN files:

    For CMake projects:

  3. For SLN files, select General settings to assign the commands for all solutions, or select Solution-specific settings to assign the commands for the open solution. For CMake projects the commands are assigned for all solutions.

  4. Select the Visual Studio commands to activate as IncrediBuild commands.

  5. Click OK.