Moving the Coordinator to a New Machine

You must install the Coordinator on a physical machine, or a static VM.

  1. Install Incredibuild on the new Coordinator machine without adding the license. You must use the same ports as the original Coordinator used.

  2. Copy the following files that contain data from the Build List and Dashboard from the original Coordinator to the new Coordinator:



  3. On the original Coordinator, go to the Agent List and select all of your agents.

  4. Click Actions >Advanced Configuration.

  5. Go to Coordinator Server and enter the IP of the new Coordinator machine.

  6. On your original Coordinator, go to the License page and copy the license key.

  7. On your original Coordinator, go to the License page and click Deactivate License.

  8. On the new Coordinator, go to the Coordinator Manager and enter the license key.