BuildConsole for Make and Build Tools

The /command switch enables the Make and Build Tools capability of the BuildConsole command line interface. This capability highly accelerates the build time of various build tools applications (e.g., Make and Ant), by distributing build tasks that are to be executed in parallel to remote machines across the network, utilizing their idle CPUs.

Only one build at a time can be executed on a single initiating machine. An attempt to run a build while another is running, pauses the build until the currently running build ends. Only then, does the new build begin to run.

To accelerate your build time, ensure that the build tools are installed on the initiating machine and then run:

BuildConsole /command="<your original build command line>" [Options]

For example:

BuildConsole /command="make --file=makefile.mak -B"

By default, Incredibuild automatically adds a parallel processes switch (in Make -j; in msbuild /m:).

  • If Make is executed directly, Incredibuild changes the value of an existing -j switch to 1024 (by default). Add the /keeporigjobsnum if you want to keep your –j switch value.

  • If Make is executed from a Batch file, that is, /command = Batchfile, Incredibuild does not change the -j value.

  • If <your original build command line> contains the -j switch (as used, for example, with Jom builds), it is recommended to define a high -j value, no fewer than the maximum number of cores.

Incredibuild changes the following switches:

Build Tool Option



gmake -j
gnumake -j
jam -j
bjam -j
jamplus -j
mingw32-make -j
jom -j
msbuild /m:
scon -j
waf -j
ninja -j
b2 -j
Note: If when running BuildConsole /command, you get the error: BuildConsole is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file., either manually add the Incredibuild installation folder to your system path, or rerun the Incredibuild setup application on your machine, making sure that the Add Incredibuild folder to the system path option is selected.

Command Line Options





Enables the Make and Build Tools capability of the BuildConsole and allows execution of command lines of various build tools (e.g., Make and Ant), in a distributed manner, without the need to configure Incredibuild in any way.

The build tools must be installed on the initiating machine.


Forces the usage of MSBuild

By default, Incredibuild uses Devenv to perform the build. Using this switch, Incredibuild will use MSBuild which will enable the option to add specific MSBuild flag using the /msbuildargs as can be seen below.

This will automatically use the 64 bit MSBuild for VS 2022 and later, and the 32 bit MSBuild for earlier VS versions.

To ignore this automatic detection and manually specify which version to use, add =32 or =64 (e.g. /usemsbuild=32)

/msbuildargs="/myarg1 /myarg2"

Passes additional arguments to MSBuild when using the BuildConsole command /usemsbuild switch.

For example:

BuildConsole dcom.sln /rebuild /cfg="debug|win32" /msbuildargs="/detailedsummary" /usemsbuild


Specifies a response file containing a BuildConsole /command command line.

Use this option when the command line for running BuildConsole /command is too long to specify explicitly in your script.


Sets or overrides environment variables for the context of the run build.

Use /SETENV several times to set/override multiple variables.


Writes build output to a file.

If filename is omitted, a file named IB_<target-name>.log is created in the current directory.


Writes a copy of the build progress (.ib_mon) file to the specified location.

If only a folder name is given, Incredibuild generates a GUID for the file name. A message containing the location of the saved .ib_mon file is added to the end of the build output.


Redirects entire command line output to a file.



Does not write anything to the standard output.

Default behavior is to write the build results, as seen in the Build Monitor's Output display.


Displays the build output of either the current or last build.

If a build is currently running on the machine, this displays the output for the build up to that point, and continues displaying the build's output until it ends. If no build is running, the BuildConsole/command displays the entire build output for the last build initiated from this machine.


If another build initiated by this Agent is currently running, waits until that build is finished and then starts the new build. This is also the default behavior.



When specified, if another build initiated by this Agent is already running a BuildConsole/command, it exits with a Another build already running message.



Suppresses the Incredibuild header in the build output.



Plays a sound when the build is complete.



Stops a currently running build on the local machine.

BuildConsole /command returns the code 3 when a build has been stopped. If /stop was used and no build is currently running, code 2 is returned.


Enables the Incredibuild Agent.



Disables the Incredibuild Agent.



Clears the Agent file cache contents.


/Title=<build title>

Specifies a custom header line to be displayed in the beginning of the build output text. This title is also used for the Build History and Build Monitor displays.

Value may be surrounded by quotes.


Displays information regarding the active license, allocated packages, and maintenance expiration date.



Shows, for each file built, the command-line used by Incredibuild to build the file.



Shows the Agent used to build each file.



Shows the Start and Finish time for each file built.



Opens the Build Monitor window showing the build progress.



Overrides global maximum CPUs/Cores in build setting.



Overrides the Agent Settings dialog Avoid task execution on local machine when possible option.

A value (either ON or OFF) is mandatory.


Specifies the maximal operating system required by remote Agents assigned to this build.

Agents with a newer OS will not be assigned to the build. For example, 8 or 10.


Specifies the minimal operating system required by remote Agents assigned to this build.

Agents with an older OS will not be assigned to the build. For example, 8 or 10.


Stops the build as soon as an error is encountered.



Forces Incredibuild to use the original value for the -j switch.

By default, Incredibuild changes the value of the -j switch to 200 if the original value is higher than 200. Setting this option to True, allows for higher values of -j.


Overrides the logging level for this build.

<Level> can be one of the following: Minimal, Basic, Intermediate, Extended, or Detailed.


Shows usage help and version information.



Disables the Virtualization of .NET environment on Helper machines.

When this switch is specified in the command line it instructs Incredibuild not to virtualize the .NET environment of the Initiator machine to the Helper machines. This switch was added to address .NET incompatibilities in a mixed OS environment.

/buildcacheremoteserver=[ip address:port]

Use a different build cache endpoint from the one defined in the Agent settings. The port must also be specified. For example: /buildcacheremoteserver=



Use a build cache cluster from one defined in the Agent settings. The cluster (buildcachecluster) and single endpoint (buildcacheremoteserver) options are mutually exclusive.



Override the setting that defines if local Build Cache is enabled on this Initiator.


 When passing /buildcacheremoteserver=host:port and /buildcachelocal=ON, both the local and remote caches are used (the local cache takes precedence over the remote cache, meaning that the cache is written to both, but is retrieved from local, and if anything is missing from local, and is located in remote, then it is retrieved from remote and written to local).

When passing /buildcacheremoteserver=host:port and /buildcachelocal=OFF, only the remote cache is used.

When passing only /buildcacheremoteserver=host:port with no /buildcachelocal value, if the local cache is off in the agent settings or Web UI, then only the remote cache is used. If local cache is on in agent settings or Web UI, then both the local and remote caches are used.


When /BuildCacheProfile=<file_path> is specified, the file is used instead of the override profile (C:\ProgramData\Incredibuild\BuildCache\BuildCache_profile.xml). If the file is not accessible, the build proceeds with the default Build Cache profile.



When Cloud Helpers are enabled, this setting determines if they are used to assist in the current build. By default, the value is true. To prevent Cloud helpers from assisting in a build, set /UseCloudHelpers=false.



When enabled, inherits the build status from your Build System to Incredibuild, regardless of whether some tasks had errors or not. If there were errors on some tasks but the build was completed successfully, the build status is orange in the Build Monitor.

Disabled by default. Set /rootTaskAware=1 to enable


Clears all the Build Cache data from the agent it is executed on.


Return Codes

BuildConsole returns the following return codes:

  • 0 – Build succeeded with no errors

  • 1 – Build failed due to error not related to Incredibuild (e.g. compilation error)

  • 2 –Build cancelled by user request

  • 3 – Build failed due to Incredibuild system error

Make, Jom and NMAKE Samples

There are three pre-built sample projects demonstrating how to use Incredibuild in the Samples\Make And Build Tools folder under the Incredibuild installation.

To run the samples:

  1. Define the location of the Make/Jom/NMAKE executable in the path, to allow for initiation from any folder.

  2. Run the RunMakeSample.bat/RunJomSample.bat/RunNmakeSample.bat from the command prompt.

  3. The examples are configured to use the MS Visual Studio 2010 compiler.

    If you have a different Visual Studio version installed, open the bat files and replace call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" with:

    • MS Visual Studio 8.0: call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"     

    • MS Visual Studio 7.0: call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat (change the Visual Studio installation folder if required)