Standard Installation

The Setup Wizard lets you install all Incredibuild components — Incredibuild Coordinator, Initiator Agents, Helper Agents, and Build Cache Endpoints — on your machines. If you haven’t downloaded it already, you can download the latest version of Incredibuild here.

If you’ve already installed the Incredibuild Coordinator and want to expand your distribution grid, use the Setup Wizard to add Incredibuild Agents on additional machines.

For details about installing Incredibuild for Windows on Linux machines, seeLinux Helper (SCL) Installation.

  1. Close Visual Studio.

  2. Make sure your environment meets all of the system requirements.

  3. Run the Incredibuild Setup File.

  4. On the Setup Options page, select Install Incredibuild. Then, click Next:

  5. Specify your installation type. Basic Incredibuild usage requires one Coordinator, at least one Initiator Agent, and multiple Helper Agents. If you are planning to use a Build Cache Shared Endpoint, install a dedicated Incredibuild Agent.

    • Grid installs an Agent and a Coordinator.

    • Agent only installs an Agent.

    • Custom allows you to specify which components will be installed, or to install a backup coordinator.

  6. If you are installing a Coordinator, enter your license key.

  7. If you are not installing a Coordinator, specify an existing Coordinator. You can use a static IP address or a machine hostname to identify the Coordinator. We recommend using a high-availability machine.

  8. Specify the Agent Settings:

    • Agent Service port: Enables communication between the installed Agent and the Coordinator.

    • Helper ports: Enable the communication between the Initiator Agents in your IncrediBuild Environment and the installed Agent cores. Select the first port number to be used when the local machine contributes its idle cores to other machines that initiate tasks.

    • Automatically open the required ports on Windows Firewall if necessary: If the ports are closed by your firewall, IncrediBuild will automatically open them. If you do not do this, you need to manually make sure that there are enough Helper ports open to utilize your CPU cores. We use the port number you specified, and use subsequent ports for every CPU core (e.g. 8 cores would use 31106-31114).

    • File Cache: Contains the files that are transferred from Initiator Agents to Helper Agents. The files are saved to accelerate future builds. You can change the cache size at any time in the Agent Settings.

    • Visual Studio Integration: Lets you to run builds with Incredibuild directly in Visual Studio.

  9. If you are installing a Coordinator, specify the Coordinator Network Settings page, accept the default values or set the following ports for the installed Coordinator:

  10. On the Destination Folder Selection page, select the installation folder. We recommend leaving Add folder to the system PATH environment variable checked as this ensure that there is a direct link from the CLI to Incredibuild tools, eliminating the need to specify the full path of their installation folder.

  11. (Optional) If you are installing a Coordinator, enter a private key and certificate to use to secure communication between the Incredibuild Coordinator and the Coordinator's user interface. This must be done during the installation process and cannot be done later.

    Note: Importing files from remote machines using UNC (e.g. \\remote_machine\certs\coordinator.crt) is not supported.

  12. (Optional) Enter a private key and certificate to use to secure communication between the Incredibuild Agent and the Coordinator. This must be done during the installation process and cannot be done later. To learn about how you can more easily manage the common names on your agent certificates, see Working with SSL.

    Note: Importing files from remote machines using UNC (e.g. \\remote_machine\certs\coordinator.crt) is not supported.

  13. If you are installing a Coordinator, enter a username and password that will be required for future access to the Coordinator user interface. The password must be at least 8 letters with at least one capital letter.

  14. Repeat this process to install additional Initiator or Helper Agents.