Build History API
This feature is only available in Incredibuild's Enterprise Plan.
You can receive data about your builds in a JSON file. This allows you to take this data and view it in dashboards using third party tools, as well as store it for reference and analysis.
The data can be filtered by time, build group, and other fields. This API requires an API Key and an Enterprise license.
Note that Incredibuild only stores the last 200,000 builds on our database.
GET https://<coordinator IP>:8000/api/builds?coordinatorId=<coordinator ID>&version=<API version>&<other filters>
Where version is the version of the Incredibuild API. For the Build Data API, only version 1.3.0 is currently supported.
The request must include a header with a key called client-api-key and the value of your API Key as a string.
Endpoint Filters:
You can add any of the following filters to the request endpoint to limit the results:
Field | Values | Values |
buildStartTimeFrom | Only include builds that started before this time | ISO format. For example: 2022-09-28T16:01:29.000 |
buildEndTimeTo | Only include builds that ended before this time | ISO format. For example: 2022-09-28T16:01:29.000 |
initiatorID | Only include builds initiated by a specific Initiator | string |
buildGroup | Only include builds run by initiators in a specific Build Group | string |
buildTitle | Only include builds with the specified title | string |
buildStatus |
Only include builds that match a specific status |
{a,b,c,d} |
buildDurationFrom |
Only include builds that were at least this long |
integer (seconds) |
buildDurationTo |
Only include builds that were shorter than this value. |
integer (seconds) |
buildType |
Only include builds that match a specific build type |
{Build, Clean, Rebuild, Unknown} |
Return all builds:
Return builds that started after a particular time:
Return builds run from the Default Build Group:
Return builds with the build type=Rebuild
If your results return more than 300 builds, you will see that the totalCount is greater than 300, but the value of buildsCount is 300 (as seen in the example below). To view the next 300, copy the value of the nextPageToken and use it in another request as follows:
GET"<value in JSON below>"
The response is a JSON file that includes up to 300 builds.
Field | Description |
totalCount | Total number of builds that match the request |
buildsCount | Number of builds included in this JSON. If this number is less than totalCount, it means that there are more than 300 builds and they cannot all be included in a single JSON. To view the next 300, copy the nextPageToken value and use it as a parameter in another request. For example: GET"NjAw" |
nextPageToken | See buildsCount |
builds |
An array of the builds included in the file |
coordinatorId |
The ID of the Coordinator associated with this build |
buildId |
The ID of the build |
initiatorId |
The ID of the agent that initiated the build |
startTime |
The time the build was started |
endTime |
The time the build ended |
duration |
The length of the build in seconds |
buildPriority |
buildTitle |
buildStatus |
The status of the build upon completion |
buildType |
helpers |
The list of helpers that participated in this build |
totalWorkingHelpers |
The total number of unique helpers that assisted in this build |
maxInitiatorCores |
The maximum number of Initiator cores used to run this build |
avgInitiatorCores |
The average number of Initiator cores used to run this build |
maxConcurrentWorkingHelpers |
The maximum number of unique helpers working at one time during this build |
avgConcurrentWorkingHelpers |
The average number of unique helpers working at one time during this build |
avgBusyHelperCores |
The average number of helper cores working at one time during this build |
maxBusyHelperCores |
The maximum number of helper cores working at one time during this build |
avgBusyCloudHelperCores |
The average number of Cloud helper cores working at one time during this build |
maxBusyCloudHelperCores |
The maximum number of Cloud helper cores working at one time during this build |
maxNeededHelperCores |
The maximum number of helper cores requested |
avgNeededHelperCores |
The average number of helper cores requested |
numberOfLocalTasks |
Total number of tasks executed on the Initiator for this build |
numberOfRemoteTasks |
Total number of tasks that were executed remotely on physical machines (not cloud) |
numberOfCloudTasks |
Total number of tasks that were executed remotely on Cloud machines |
remoteCoreTime |
The total time (seconds) that was used to execute tasks remotely (physical and cloud) |
coreLimit |
The setting for the maximum number of allowed concurrent helper cores per build |
totalCacheableTasks |
cacheTaskHits |
When using Build Cache, the number of tasks that were skipped by reusing output from the Build Cache. |
cacheTaskMiss |
When using Build Cache, the number of tasks that were run after failing to find a match in the Build Cache. |
cacheInitiatorRole |
savedTime |
Estimate of how much time was saved by using Build Cache |
cacheServiceEndpoint |
cacheLicenseAllowed |
createdAt |
Example Response
The following example displays the first build that would be included in this JSON:
"builds": [
"coordinatorId": "c407c0b4-b257-490a-91da-70b7bb5f0c8f",
"buildId": "{0312b602-8d53-4443-afe5-2bd9f00c33d7}",
"initiatorId": "64b4d714-fcde-4768-82ac-cdbdfbfa5343",
"initiatorName": "Initiator#313",
"startTime": "2023-08-18T20:05:42.708Z",
"endTime": "2023-08-18T22:41:27.097Z",
"duration": 9344389,
"buildPriority": 3,
"buildGroup": "Build Group 17",
"buildTitle": "Build Title 5",
"buildStatus": "Failure",
"buildType": "Rebuild",
"helpers": [
"totalWorkingHelpers": 9,
"maxInitiatorCores": 48,
"avgInitiatorCores": 94,
"maxConcurrentWorkingHelpers": 97,
"avgConcurrentWorkingHelpers": 91,
"avgConcurrentBusyHelpers": 1,
"maxConcurrentBusyHelpers": 30,
"avgConcurrentBusyCloudHelpers": 50,
"maxConcurrentBusyCloudHelpers": 59,
"maxNeededHelperCores": 29,
"avgNeededHelperCores": 84,
"numberOfLocalTasks": 36,
"numberOfRemoteTasks": 83,
"numberOfCloudTasks": 94,
"remoteCoreTime": 78,
"coreLimit": 11,
"totalCacheableTasks": 32,
"cacheTaskHits": 8,
"cacheTaskMiss": 31,
"cacheInitiatorRole": 72,
"savedTime": 81,
"cacheServiceEndpoint": "endpoint",
"cacheLicenseAllowed": true,
"createdAt": "2023-08-20T07:27:30.425Z"