Installation from within Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2017 and later allows you to install Incredibuild from within Visual Studio.

  1. Run the Visual Studio Installer.

  2. Go to Individual Components, search for Incredibuild, and check the box next to the Incredibuild - Build Acceleration.

  3. Complete the installation process.

  4. Load any Visual Studio Solution.

  5. Go to ExtensionsIncredibuild > Rebuild.This will start the Incredibuild Installation Wizard.

  6. Install a Coordinator on this machine by clicking Activate Incredibuild Locally.

  7. Download your free license if you do not already have one.

  8. Load your license file.

  9. Complete the installation wizard.

  10. Repeat this process on additional machines that you want to use as Agents. In these machines, select Connect to Another Machine and specify the first machine you installed that contains the Coordinator component.