Silent Installation

The Incredibuild silent installation lets you use the command line to install Incredibuild components. This type of installation is particularly useful if you are installing Incredibuild on many machines, or if you do not want your users to be aware of the Incredibuild installation.

You generate an Automated Installer file using the Incredibuild setup wizard, and run the file using the syntax specified below.

Generating the Silent Installer

  1. Run the Incredibuild setup file.

  2. On the Setup Options page, select Create Automated Installer and click Save As.

Running the Automated Installer

  1. Run the CMD as Administrator.

  2. On the CMD, go to the directory that contains the Automated Installer file you previously generated.

  3. Enter the required installation command and options, according to the component you want to install and the following syntax. Note that only one component can be installed per command.

    IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components={Component Name} 
    /Coordinator={Coordinator IP Address/Hostname} 
    [General Options] [Component Options]


  • Components [Mandatory] Can be one of the following: Agent,Coordinator, Agent,oneuse. Where the oneuse option is for a single use VM image.

  • Coordinator – The IP address or hostname of the associated Coordinator. Mandatory for the installation of an Agent and a Backup Coordinator.
    If the Coordinator does NOT use the default port number (31104), you should add the port to the Coordinator name and put them both in quotes as follows: "Coordinator_Name:Port_No."For example:""

  • General Options [Optional] – general installation options that can be added to all installation commands. See below.

  • Component Options [Optional] – installation options that are specific to each installed component.

For example: Installing an Agent using the Automated Installer

The following command is entered in the CMD to install an Agent on the local machine. This Agent will communicate with a Coordinator, whose hostname is "Win10-1":

IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Agent /Coordinator=Win10-1

General Options

The following options can be added to all installation commands:

General Option Description Default Value


Controls whether the Incredibuild installation folder is added to the system search path. ON

/InstallDir={Install dir path}

Allows manual specification of the Incredibuild installation folder. C:\Program Files (x86)\Incredibuild

Installing Incredibuild Components Using the Automated Installer

Installing an Agent Using the Automated Installer

The syntax for installing an Agent using the Automated Installer is as follows:

IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Agent 
/Coordinator={Coordinator IP Address/Hostname} 
[General Options] [Agent Options]

The following options can be added to the installation of an Agent:

Agent Option Description Default Value


Controls whether setup should automatically select the first available TCP/IP ports for the Agent Service and Helper cores. If this option is ON, any manual port specification will be overridden. OFF
/Agent:FILECACHE={Number in MBs} Allows manual specification, in MBs, of the maximum size of the Agent file cache folder. 4096

/Agent:Group={Build Group name}

(For Enterprise Edition only) Allows the assignment of the Agent to a specific Build Group, by entering the name of the required Build Group as the value of the {Group name}. For more information, see: Assigning an Agent to a Build Group. Default Build Group

/Agent:HelperPort={Port no.}

Allows manual specification of the Agent Helper port, required for the communication between an Initiator and the Helper cores. This manual specification will take effect only if the /Agent:AutoSelectPorts option is OFF.  31106


Controls whether the installation procedure should also install Incredibuild Add-in/Extension in Visual Studio IDE. ON


Controls whether setup should open Agent ports in the Windows Firewall. ON

/Agent:ServicePort={Port no.}

Allows manual specification of the Incredibuild Agent Service port, required for the communication with the Coordinator. This manual specification will take effect only if the /Agent:AutoSelectPorts option is OFF. 31105

For example: Installing an Agent with specific Agent options

The following command is entered to install an Agent on the local machine. This Agent will communicate with a Coordinator, whose hostname is "Win10-1"; the maximum file cache size will be 4500 MBs; and the Agent will be assigned to the "Dev" Build Group.

IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Agent /Coordinator=Win10-1  
/Agent:FileCache=4500 /Agent:Group=Dev

Installing a Primary Coordinator Using the Automated Installer

The syntax for installing a primary Coordinator using the Automated Installer is as follows:

IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Coordinator 
[General Options] [Coordinator Options]

The following options can be added to the installation of a Coordinator:

Coordinator Option Description Default Value


Controls whether setup should open the Coordinator service ports in the Windows Firewall. ON

/Coord:ServicePort={Port no.}

Allows manual specification of the Agent Communications Port. 31104

Installing Both a Primary Coordinator and an Agent Using the Automated Installer

The syntax for installing both an Agent and a primary Coordinator using the Automated Installer is as follows:

IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Coordinator 
/Coordinator={Primary Coordinator IP Address/Hostname} 
[General Options] [Agent Options][Coordinator Options]
IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Agent 
/Coordinator={Primary Coordinator IP Address/Hostname} 
[General Options] [Agent Options][Coordinator Options]

Installing a Backup Coordinator Using the Automated Installer

A Backup Coordinator is a program that can take over the critical functions of the main Coordinator, if the main Coordinator fails or becomes unavailable. The Backup Coordinator enables distributed processing to continue unaffected. Install the Backup Coordinator on a machine that has a connection to the primary Coordinator.

The syntax for installing a backup Coordinator using the Automated Installer is as follows:

IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Coordinator /Coord:Backup 
/Coordinator={Primary Coordinator IP Address/Hostname} 
[General Options] [Coordinator Options]

Note: The Coordinator options that can be added to this command are the same as for the primary Coordinator.

Installing an Agent with a Single-Use VM License Using the Automated Installer

(For Enterprise Edition only) The syntax for installing an Agent with a Single-Use VM license using the Automated Installer is as follows:

IBSetupConsole.exe /Install /Components=Agent,oneuse 
/Coordinator={Coordinator IP Address/Hostname} 
[General Options] [Agent Options] [Coordinator Options]

Uninstalling Incredibuild, Upgrading to a New Version, or Repairing an Existing Installation

To silently uninstall Incredibuild, upgrade to a new version of the software, or repair an existing installation, run the Automated Installer with the corresponding command line options:

> To uninstall Incredibuild:

IBSetupConsole /uninstall

> To update Incredibuild:

IBSetupConsole /update

> To repair Incredibuild Installation:

IBSetupConsole /repair